Tuesday, January 13, 2015

snuggle monday

Snuggly days. Love it.
Don't we all?

Haven't actually done much at all today...apart from laundry. Which frost did most part of anyway so...yeah. Me and Freya have spent a lot of time together today.
Like, more than usual.  Such a cutie. We've been watching Grimm. Yup. As you can see, we even had popcorn. lol

Well, after she chewed the fuck out of her chew toy. *rawr!*
She looked like a little animal chewing on it going raawrawrarawa!
She really loves that biting toy she got from Grandma and grandpa :D

So, this would be..the 64th night without a full nights sleep. Yesterday, at mom's place I actually felt really weird while walking in the stairs then. Blah. Thought I was gonna pass out.
All I get to sleep is like 30-40 minutes at night. And then it's always half asleep cause as soon as I try to relax or move an inch, the cramps start.

Especially over the right side of the rib cage, right on the side..I wonder why that is? Cause that pain is fucking awful. So, 30 minutes if I'm lucky :D  And lucky me for that, cause I think I'd be going insane by now if I didn't get a wink of sleep even..I also try to take naps.

But a lot of the times I can't, something always happens..or someone always shows up, or dropr by without letting me know first.....which I'm not always super-enjoying btw.. -_- (not a huge fan of surprises) Especially if I'm not dressed or half asleep. (which would be moooost of the time lol)
Someone rang the doorbell again when Frost was walking lei lei and I had no pants on so it took a while before I got to the door. But yet again I only managed to see a man's back slip out through the door. Hmm.. wonder if it's the plumber? Maybe I should call him tomorrow to double check?

Well, One day, the pain will disappear. It always does. Comes and goes ya know? Sidetracked like fuuuuuck.

lol Mom got to use the "pys ventil" or...I dunno, a fart pipe? haha on Freya.
You put it in the but, (or up in the doody hole for those who didn't understand) and it goes ppsssssssshhhhh.....all the gas goes out.
YaY for Freya. She was a gassy little squirrel earlier. But not anymoooooooore haha

I could've written the anal, rectum or sphincter (though a lot of people seem to be unaware of that term...) but I figured baby's would say doody hole hah,

But anyway, awesome thing that pysventil.
Freya's savior.

I haven't been outside once today. At all.
Had no intention of it either. Ice, AND snow on top of it?
I think not.

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