Saturday, February 27, 2016

Fuller House

In this house where sickness lingers.... we open all the windows, sit down in the sofa and watch the new show Fuller House.

Man, I think I might've gotten a tiny tear in my eye watching the first episode.
So fucking nostalgic. I mean, it felt like I was 9 again. I miss the 90's. (Holy fudgesickle I'm old)

Well, it's not like this show's awesome, but it's good tbh...and for us who grew up in the 80's and 90's...this was what we came home to after school. Me and my sister would sit in front of the tv glued to this and step by step and baywatch and other stuff (in my case Buffy lol). Aaaah the nostalgia.

Talking about nostalgia, I want to get better so I can go on walks again with Josse. I really think I'm able to do that now :D

Moving on. I feel a lot better, a dear friend of mine dropped by and saved the day. Literally. I'm not gonna say what she did cause that'd be kind of a crime lol I do however feel like sending a huge FUCK YOU to her cousin who hurt her.

See, I'm gonna let this stay in the blogpost cause this is what my daighter does when I look away for a freakin's second.

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