Saturday, March 12, 2016

A sad song

I was singing little children's songs with Freya the other day.
She got a book that plays the tune and then you sing a long with it (I'm pretty sure she got it for her birthday from her granny...)

And so this song came up:

I en sal på lasarettet,

Där vita sängar står,

Ligger en dödssjuk liten flicka,

Blåa ögon lokigt hår,

En dag frågar hon doktorn:

Får jag fara hem till mor? 

Nej det får du ej min flicka men till våren kanske då,

Våren kom och flickan fråga 

Får jag fara hem till mor? 

Nej det får du ej min flicka men till sommarn kanske då, 

Somarn kom och flickan fråga 

Får jag fara hem till mor, 

Nej de får du ej min flicka men till hösten kanske då 

Hösten kom och flickan fråga 

får jag fara hem till mor 

Nej de får du ej min flicka men till vintern kanske då

Vintern kom och flingor falla över flickans lilla grav, 

där stog prästen,

Där stog alla 

Där stog flickans mor och far

Which roughly translates to:

In a room at the hospital,

There are white beds all around,

There's a sickly little girl,

Blue eyes and curly hair,

One day, she asks the doctor:

Can I go home to my mother?

No, you will not, my little girl... but in spring, maybe then,

Spring came and the girl ask

Can I go home to my mother?

No, you can't my little girl, but maybe in the summer time,

Summer came and the girl ask

Can I go home to my mother,

No you can't little girl, but at fall, maybe then?

Autumn came and the girl ask

Do I get to go home to mother now?

No you can't yet go my girl, but in the winter maybe then

Winter came and flakes are falling over the girl's tiny grave,

there stood the priest,

Yes there stood all.

There stood the girl's mother and father.

See, I couldn't finish singing the song for Freya cause I started crying hahaha Silly me.
Frost was wondering why I had tears in my eyes so I translated it fast for him and even he got sad from the lyrics. I mean, it's a horrible little tune for small kids if you ask me. Man I get sad every time now that I hear it :(

It just breaks my heart. She just wanted to see her mommy, and then she fucking died before she got to!!! Gaaah I'm all sad again!

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