Saturday, March 12, 2016


We went out for a family walk yesterday. It was really nice :D
The weather was nice, sun was shining and it was waaaaarm.
Frost said that it's spring! FROST SAID IT! So I ain't jinxing anything haha

 And would ya look at that? FLOWERS!
If that ain't spring, I don't know what is haha (I like how my phone changed the date to today instead..)

I wanted some pics of me and Freyster. I don't usually let people take photos of me but I realized that I want Freya to have photos of me and her of course. What if (Gods forbid) something were to happen to me and she'd loose me... then she would barely have any photos of us together at all. All because I'm ashamed of how I look. Stupid mom.

1 comment:

  1. stop being so damn cuuuteee alll of youuu.
    also you're f-ing gorgeous, Jo <3 I know you don't believe it BUT YOU MOST DEF ARE.


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