Saturday, January 19, 2013

2013. The year of the BABIES

Like wow... there's so many people that are pregnant now. *jealous* And now I just found out that my childhood friend is expecting a wee little baby too! lol She'll be a funny mom, making kids laugh is the best! And congratulations :)

But seriously... I kinda lost count on how many I know that'll have kids this year. I want a kid too! I'll wait though, cause it's kind of nice to have the father of the child next to you. I want that the most. Until then, Lei Lei will have to endure baby clothes, snuggles and extra caring and love. And possibly bottle feeding. haha

She'll hate it. YaY!

I AM kidding in case none of you understood that. I wont bottle feed my dog. haha ...probably.

1 comment:

  1. Ingen av mina kompisar har barn, känns konstigt att jag ska bli den första :)

    Känns rätt overkligt att man ska bli mamma :)


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